female led. sustainably focused. for your 20s + 30s.
Mindful Manifestations believes that sustainable health and happiness is possible for everyone.
In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to lead a happy, balanced life. We are glued to our phones, addicted to quick fixes, and lack connection, self love, mindfulness, and respect for our environment.
At Mindful Manifestations, we encourage people to use mindfulness to change that.
To help you become your fullest self, the Mindful Manifestations blog explores mindfulness and sustainable lifestyle tips; balanced and gluten-free recipes; research related to mindfulness and health; and personal reflections and observations from Yours Truly.
Happy Mindful Manifesting,
Elicia Kristine xx
Mindfulness + Health
The Mindful Musings Blog breaks mindfulness and its relationship to your health down into bite-size pieces.
Mindfulness Tools
Don't forget to sign up for the 30-Day Journey to Mindfulness to receive your 30-Day comprehensive guide! This daily guide will help you learn practical and simple mindfulness techniques that will help you incorporate a mindfulness practice into your life with more ease. We'll discuss topics from mindful eating and cooking to meditation, mindful walking, yoga, and beyond!
Balanced Lifestyle
Life is all about... BALANCE! This section was originally named "Healthy Lifestyle". However, I've learned to forgo labeling things as "healthy" or "unhealthy", as this creates an all-or-nothing mindset that sets us up for a cycle of self-shaming, binging behavior, and anxiety. On the #Lifestyle section of the MM Blog, I'll explore how we can cultivate a balanced lifestyle to support mental, spiritual, and physical health. Look out for gluten-free recipes; my thoughts on sustainable exercise; sustainability tips; fun freebies; personal reflections; and more!

"What we think, we become"