It's the most wonderful time, of the yeeeear!
Usually, this song brings immense joy to my heart when blasted on the radio in garland-bedazzled stores and cozy coffee shops. This year, however, Andy Williams' crooning about holiday joy left me a bit sad.
Things didn't exactly go as planned this year, and for certain reasons (including the wicked virus currently circulating the globe) I will be unable to spend the holidays with some of my loved ones. When I finally acknowledged how much pain this situation was causing me, I became determined to turn my fate and attitude around. I would find a way to have a joyful holiday, regardless of the circumstances!
Now, as I sit here writing this, I look around me and my heart swells with joy. The fresh smell of evergreen from our tiny sapling Christmas tree fills the room; the candlelit reflection of red and gold decorations dances playfully across the wall; the anticipation of events to come energizes the air; and my beloved, all-time favorite human is cozied up to my side.
...Let's rewind. How did I transition from a filme noire protagonist, bawling my eyes out with joyous holiday music in the background, to a Love Actually meets Miracle on 34th Street scenario? It's actually quite simple. Let me show you!
My 5 Tips to Foster Inner Peace and Holiday Joy
Look around you. Almost certainly, there are countless little (and maybe even big) things that you can find beauty and joy in. Do you see, hear, smell, feel or taste them? For example, I'm thankful for the spicy smell of stewing apples, the loving touch of my boyfriend, and gentle coo of our neighborhood doves. Close your eyes, feel the energy created by your surroundings, and say, Thank you, world. This holiday surrounds me with beauty.

What says Happy Holidays better than a decorated space? Your decorations can be silly and fun, handmade with care, or traditional fare. Use whatever speaks to you and makes you feel festive! By creating a special environment for the holiday, we tell our brains that we are experiencing a special time. This, in turn, creates anticipation, excitement, and gratitude.

While I'm not suggesting that you hire Mrs. Clause to oversee your cookie menu, I do believe that moderate preparation can greatly relieve stress and leave more time for relaxation during the holiday. Whether you need to print your flight itinerary, pack your suitcase, cook meals in bulk, or send out greeting cards, do it in advance if possible and have a plan! If you find yourself stuck in a last-minute bind, take a deep breath. Lay out clear steps to complete your task on time, and stick to them! Use the carefully crafted Moleskin #Manifest journal, below, to plan your holiday (or maybe even the start of 2019)!

Get Busy
Find something that interests you to occupy your time. Select a specific event and make concrete plans to create or partake in that event. This might be a holiday concert, perusing a local Christmas market, volunteer work at your local soup kitchen or animal shelter, a local Meetup group, a yoga class, a marathon, or something on your local city's event calendar. Even if you are alone, using your time intentionally can bring a great sense of peace and purpose.

Get Your Zen On
Each morning, take a few minutes just for yourself. You may wish to start the day by walking in the woods, meditating, practicing yoga, or simply sipping tea or coffee in a private corner. Taking just one minute each morning to center yourself and set an intention can change the course of your entire day! Your intention may be specific or general. Today, for example, I chose a very specific intention: I choose to do what is necessary to heal and recover from this virus. Other days, it may be more general: I choose love or I choose to let it go. Find an intention that rings true to your inner guru and get your zen on in the morning to move with ease through the rest of the day.

That's it! Once you incorporate these five actions into your holiday experience, I bet that you will start to feel lighter and notice a shift in your focus. What do you notice? What do you appreciate more? What transformations or miracles occur? We would love to hear about your experience, so please tell us about it in the comments section below!
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Thank you so much for reading and of course, Happy Holidays!
Happy Mindful Manifesting,
Elicia Kristine xx